BitChips Blog Fuel Sheet Foreign Market Watch Business Prosperity
Digital currency containers
There is an increasingly varied assortment of technologies available for investors and traders to store their digital currencies on solid physical media. Such practical and solid media are considered by this site to bring substantial value for end-users of digital currencies. There are many ways in which such physical media may be leveraged to help protect the digital currency investments of investors in digital currencies.
Hybrid currencies
One topic we are particularly interested in exploring is the potential for nouveau currencies, including digital currencies, to be backed by a commodity, such as gold or silver. How would such a currency benefit? Which commodity should the nouveau currency be tied to? This may include commodities other than metals. How could investors in such nouveau currencies hedge against fluctuations in the backing and/or the currency's exchange rates with other currencies? How could one go about calculating the valuation of a nouveau currency based on its availability and the availability of the commodity to which it is bound? Perhaps this could be treated in much the same way a note is composed and evaluated. It may be as simple as applying the same sets of calculations used in measuring risk within certain financial instruments.